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The Book

Work Smarter: Live Better

Most people have never been taught how to work. We are committed to our job and want to be good at what we do. We are neither lazy or unwilling. But we do not always work effectively – we work hard but not always smart.

One of the best books you can read if you want to be more effective and get closer to your goals

Kristina Karlsson
Founder and Creative Director kikki.K

To increase their performance, many people believe they need to do more. We spend less time with our loved ones, neglect our health and put our passions and hobbies on the back burner.  And we end up frustrated, out-of-control and stressed.

This book will challenge your way of thinking about work. You will learn how to work smarter and more importantly, live better.

Work Smarter: Live Better will transform your life:

  • learn simple and practical tools to be in control
  • learn how to gain an extra two hours per day, and
  • learn how to make room for what is important for you!

If you only ever read one business book in your life, this is the one.

Without question this is the most powerful, life changing business book you will ever read. Many entrepreneurs I know swear by Cyril strategies and I personally cannot recommend it more highly.

Carolyn Cresswell
Founder and Managing Director Carman’s
Former Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year

Just wanted to thank you for the massive impact your book is having on my life!

I am slowly implementing a number of your suggestions and my productivity has gone through the roof already and I’m only half way through the book!

I am enjoying your book immensely and I look forward to my new life that awaits me.

“Thanks for such a great book Cyril”


Thanks for such a great book Cyril, Not only am I excited about how the changes will affect my work performance, I am also excited about how much more in control of my days and my weeks I will feel. I can see myself going from always playing catch up to being totally in control with what I have learned.

Being an up and coming Gen Y, a time management 'Nazi' and not to mention victim of countless droll corporate development programs, I was cynical.  

To my surprise, tonight I read half the novel in one sitting and enjoyed it.  About five pages into the 'effectiveness' component of the novel, a revelation hit me.   I put the novel down, physically buzzing with adrenalin and excitement.  It was a truly enlightening moment.  I then proceeded to register a domain name, a business name and write out a business plan.  Using the templates in your novel, I wrote out my goals and an action plan.

Your book had compelled me to take the initiative and focus on my 'big rocks', no longer my someday rocks.  I then picked up the book and finished the rest, musing at the last chapter; progress not perfection.  Your book has certainly inspired me to progress and I feel ready to embark on a life changing venture.

I've never penned a thank you email to anyone before but, thank you...and congratulations on a fantastic book.

I just wanted to write and say how happy I am (and my family is!) that you wrote Work Smarter: Live Better.

I am a stay-at-home mum with a 2 year old and a 1 year old and I think I now have a totally different perspective on my time.  I understand now my time is valuable and limited so I am now proactive in looking and planning the week ahead.

This helps with so many things including that I can say no without feeling guilty and I schedule a recurring appointment with the kids that is at home and is just for fun and connecting together.

I schedule it at our 'best times' - times when we are the most rested and bright and I am mentally 'present'.  They are fantastic fun and I think it is largely due to these special times together that I finally feel that I am making the most of my time at home with the kids during their precious early years.

Previously this 'together time' usually came a poor second or third to doing chores, making phone calls, visiting friends etc. and often was almost an afterthought at the end of a busy morning/day when we were tired and I had actually given my 'best' to other things/people.

There are so many other examples of how it has changed my life.  Thank you!’

An excellent book that I really believe is going to vastly improve my performance in both my work and also in my everyday life.


Just wanted to send you a quick email to say a big THANKS! Wow, what an impact on the running of my business and my personal life.

Over the past couple of weeks I have implemented most of what's in your book and I have seen a huge change in not only the way the business is run but in the way that the staff is responding!


I just wanted to let you know what a profound impact you have had on my life.

About a year ago I was drowning in paperwork and stress which lead me to contact my doctor and even see a councillor in order to help me with my issues. It took a toll on my health and my family life and I couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. In one of those quirky moments from the universe that can’t quite be explained I picked up the Fin Review (when I didn’t have the time to) and read an article about you and the “Work Smarter, Live better” book.

I immediately felt that this was something that could help me and began reading it on the train to and from work and any moment I could at home. I then blocked out 2 days of my life and I thought, sweated and organised and completely took charge of my desk and my life! The feeling of relief at the end of the process was indescribable and I immediately began to feel I had control in my life.